Stamford & Oakham
01780 481125
Stamford Branch: Unit 3, Brownlow Street, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE92EL
email enquiries:
Oakham Office: Suite 3, Unit 23b, Oakham Enterprise Park, LE157TU (by appointment only)

Response to Coronavirus: Covid-19
Stamford Vehicle Hire has always considered the safety of our customers and employees as the upmost priority, however in recent times with the pandemic outbreak of 'Covid-19', we are taking even more stringent measures to protect our community.
We are closely monitoring the guidance of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control regarding the spread of the virus. Our focus is to ensure we meet customer needs while doing our part to keep you, our employees, and our communities safe.
Measures that we are taking:
Each of our vehicles are thoroughly cleaned between each customer, and this has always been our policy. However, we've enhanced the techniques used to clean our vehicles after each rental. In particular, we are paying special attention to interior customer touch points such as seats, steering wheels, door handles and other hard surfaces.
We clean our facilities frequently with recommended sanitizing products, and we will continue to do so.
We are also taking steps to ensure the welfare of our employees. This includes instructing employees who feel ill to stay home and follow PHE (Public Health England) guidelines. We are also urging all employees to be vigilant about frequent hand washing, and have provided hand sanitiser at each work station.
Measures you must take:
To help minimise the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), you must not visit our premises if:
You or anyone in your household is suffering from a fever or high temperature, or a new continuous cough.
If you have experienced these symptoms, you must self-isolate at home for a period of seven days even if you recovered quickly. If someone in your household has these symptoms, you must self-isolate for fourteen days from the day they first showed symptoms. -
You have been in direct close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus in the past 14 days. “Direct close contact” means you have been within two metres of the individual for fifteen minutes or more. “Confirmed” means the individual has been tested by the NHS and has had a positive result.
When visiting our office:
Please use the hand sanitizer provided.
If you need to sneeze, use a disposable tissue, or sneeze into the crook of your elbow (not your bare hands). Put used tissues in the bin immediately.
Do not shake hands.
These restrictions are in place to protect our community. Thank you for your assistance and understanding.